Thursday, December 23, 2010


You'd think I would be bored by now. You're thinking wrong. I'm not. I'm just tired of not getting any answers, even to my most desperate questions. Hey, universe!! I'm talking to you... Help me out a little, please please! Only I can solve my problems,  I'm aware of that. But give me some inspiration or a path to lead me to a clue. When I start complaining (which is not something I do a lot unlike the past week) my mom keeps reminding me that there are people literally starving to death in Africa. I'd help them if I was Angelina Jolie. Sure I would. The woman's got everything! Including (ok,  I'll admit it) pretty kissable lips. I hate her. I used to deny her beauty but hell, I'm giving up. And young Brad Pitt was totally hot, too. I'm done pretending that he wasn't. Though I'm still refusing to state that he looks good now because he simply doesn't. The guy has wrinkles and he's like over 30 years old. Plus I don't have an "older-guy-fantasy". What's with the older guys, seriously? Blondes just adore them. Anyways, no offence but they are blondes after all... Older guys only care about your ass, ladies. And although you won't admit it, all you give a shit about is their wealth. It's not like their grand wisdom mesmerizes anyone. I despise the show "The Girls of the Playboy Mansion", by the way. Heff is such a pedo. Even pedobear's criminal record should be cleaner than him. But those dumb girls "looove" the old brat. Yeah, sure! God, I just read the entire blog and it makes no sense at all. Even better! (I know, I know.. This is just how bored I am.) Somebody help me!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Life Is A Mess

Damn, I missed writing! I have a lot going on in my life right now and even though I could, I didn't bother to make space to post a new entry. I'm aware that I don't have any followers whatsoever but it's still nice to share things and pretend that somebody actually cares. Since, you know, that's like my biggest problem. Nobody seems to give a shit about me, and I'm talking about my own mom. People are so caught up in their on lives that they won't stop and try to sympathise with you. Screw you guys, I'm going home. Love you, Eric Cartman!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Grey's Anatomy is THE best show ever! There is not even one single episode that I didn't thoroughly enjoy watching.. And now that I'm addicted and attached to it, I'm so scared that this is going to be the final season. I was really devastated when George died and equally disappointed when Izzie left. I know that it's really childish and ridiculous to be so involved with a surreal thing but everybody's got one show they identify themselves with. (Plus, researches show that people who watch soap operas etc. are happier than those who don't. Whatever, this is completyely another subject.) Isobel Stevens had always been my favorite character and stuff, probably because I felt close to her and the fact that she was a loner who'd faced a lot of tragic stuff may have helped.
The 6th season finale was really intense but also scary 'cause I thought we were going to lose Alex and Derek. I'm not necessarily fond of the Mercy West guys but the others, the main crew, are important. Things would be so screwed up without them. Anyways, I hope that Grey's Anatomy will atleast go on for another few years, I mean, look at Friends, it went on forever!

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Dream...

In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.
Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?
That holy dream - that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.
What though that light, thro' storm and night,
So trembled from afar
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth's day-star? 
                                                                                                                     Edgar Allan Poe

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Exams- A Student's Worst Nightmare ( ok, this is a lame title)

They always go on AND on about how life itself, is an exam. Well, that's bullshit. God has better things to do than test me every efin' second now, wrong? And we should be given some time to just enjoy breathing and to leave eveything else aside. You know what, I'm suffering right now. Literally suffering! And who is responsible for this? Biology. Yeah, biology! If it weren't for biology -and exams- I would be doing something enjoyable instead of trying to make sense out of 3 Units in that intimidating thick book "professor" enjoys to assign us on. Ughh, I guess I have to get back to work.. Or else, I'm going to flunk biology!

My First Blog Ever!

Like I mentioned in the title, I'm totally clueless about what to say. This is my first time and I'm not quite sure: should I tell everything about me or.. Or what, really? A blog is supposed to be like a diary, only an online one. And even if somebody bothers to read it, they will be complete strangers. They won't know me so I won't be giving them the ability of humiliating me. That's cool and sort of relieving.
So, to start with, I'm Blossom Anjenette Ciar. My name is totally weird and when I was younger, I used to hate my mum for it. But not my dad. I never knew why. I still can't get on well with my mum, she's such a ... ahem, stubborn person and cares too much about responsibilities and crap. Dad has nothing to do with her actually, so I'll never understand why they got married in the first place. There are a lot of things that I don't understand, to be honest. But really, do we need to know, like, everything? I doubt it. FBI should know everything, not me. Ok, as usual, I've started to babble out stupid things. Whatevs. I'll see you later guys, whoever you are ;)